The last yardstick to judge a philosophy is that of its popularity.


I have been subsequently presenting human beings in my writings, I mean, their most intimate features, their spirit in relation to their circumstances.

In El Retorno a las Fuentes (Return to the Sources) (Ed. Rueda, Madrid, 1993), where I sketch my later work, I narrate my own search within these circumstances and my finding the perspective that will let me watch them impartially. In Psicosofía. Investigaciones psico-filosóficas sobre la naturaleza del ser humano (Psychosophy. Psycho-philosophical Research on Human Nature) (Ed. Dunken, Bs. As. 2004), I deal with the circumstances men find before looking at the world, the psychic features, a complex and fascinating labyrinth, with its beautiful mountains and high peaks, where virtue lies, and from which the wide horizon that includes their own nature may be observed, as well as the deep muddy cliffs where their vices start, by whose wild waters they have let themselves be dragged so many times. In Origen y Destino del Hombre (Origin and Destiny of Man) (Ed. Dunken, Bs. As. 2008), I have placed men in front of the world around, of their universal circumstances, with the aim of making them participate in that Cosmos, of making them part of the universal Order. But it was important to wonder whether human beings know what to do under these circumstances and what they have to do with them, with their mind and with the world, and whether they evolve in the knowledge of these matters. That is why I have written La Evolución del Espíritu (The Evolution of the Spirit) (Ed. Dunken, Bs. As. 2009). Even then, without being completely aware of those environments where they are immersed, human beings have had to live and become organized with their peers, giving origin to communities, whether closed, tribal, cosmopolitan or vast empires that have expanded their own culture, generated their own circumstances -oppressive sometimes- to such an extent that entire peoples have disappeared. In this project, in the search for a common destiny, men have rehearsed diverse ideals and have tried countless resources. To conclude, in this coming and going, in this evolution, they have been making history.

This unavoidable inheritance that is in part theirs and of which in turn they are part of, requires an aim, demands an explanation. Hence, the need for a Philosophy of History. The collection of these works devoted to history, which due to the amplitude of this topic has been divided into several volumes, has come to be called Las manifestaciones del Espíritu (The manifestations of the Spirit), because it analyzes the situation of the spirit during each of the most representative periods. Thus, an analysis of the Hellenic Spirit, the Renaissance Spirit, etc. will be carried out. A special volume will be devoted to the Spirit in India and a Criticism of the Philosophies of History will complete this work.

(Ed. Rueda, Madrid 1993)
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This essay is an invitation to explore the author's methodical inner search, which consists in an ascending interrelation between psychic balance and moral demands, an exercise that results in his clarifying the religious phenomenon.
Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi, India. 2025
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In this backbone of his work, the author exposes the various ways of knowledge towards the transcendent, following a progressive method that finds background in Plato and Kant, who are in turn discussed and analyzed.
(Har-Anand Publications, Delhi, India, 2015).
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Rather than the biological development of man, the author is interested in investigating the origin of the faculties that define him as such, especially the Unitive faculties. This leads to tracing the appearance of religion, moral and arts in the mind.
(Har-Anand Publications, Delhi, India 2018).
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It represents the most luminous vertex of J. O. Lavoisier's philosophy. It is the reflection through which his thinking surmounts the elements of universal history. The purpose of these pages lies in tracing the evolution experienced by man, not his biological evolution but the evolution of his spirit. Second Revised Edition
(Dunken, Bs. As.)
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"A Psychosophy of History would attentively follow the history of thought, but in the knowledge that ideas are products, it would not be content with this."
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I have come to the conviction that nothing is more necessary than morality in these times, since it is what structures both individual and collective personality. Even if it is true that the Ethics I present here forms part of a philosophical system, it is not one of its branches but the very sap that goes from the root to the fruit, therefore it can be experienced, applied and lived; and this is what I understand by a vital philosophy.
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This book is a philosophy of art. I would like to tell the advised reader especially if he is an artist, that unlike some philosophies which have become an example to follow in this genre, I am not trying to through this philosophy of art to subject art to a “scientific vision,” neither am I trying to lay down the norms that art should follow in the name of a presumed higher science. Nothing of the sort.
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Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi, India. 2024

This edition, Published by Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2021, has garnered widespread interest and circulation in Europe. It has been listed as a Best Seller by AbeBooks (Advanced Book Exchange) in London and IberLibrocom in Spain.
Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, New Delhi, India. 2024

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The Indic civilization, basically, is the result of the succession and interaction of two traditions: Buddhist and Hindu; this is one of the traditions I will deal with in this treatise. The other civilization I will deal with is the Hellenic. I think the parallel between them sums up the essence of the Indo-European spirit. And I am convinced that in that spirit, which is expressed in Eastern and Western idealism, which I try to make converge in my philosophy, the most decisive answers can be found for the universal culture that begin with the new millennium.